When: November 7, 2010
Where: Cliff Drive, Kansas City, MO
Weather: 50F with slight breeze (perfect!)
Finish Time: 36:24 (new PR by over 5 minutes)
AG: 6/23
OA: 82/558
I wasn't quite sure what to expect with the race this morning since I ran a challenging 5 mile XC race yesterday. During the XC race, I never could get into a groove and seemed to be working harder than I should have been for the pace I was running. Even so, I still set a new 8K PR with a finishing time of 41:41. Although I considered it a bad race, I was pleased with the result.
Since I awakened during the night (Friday/Saturday) with a sore throat, I figured I might be on the verge of getting sick. Well, I woke up with a sore throat this morning as well. I took some cold medicine about 2hrs before the race and decided to see what happens.
I get to the start area about 1hr before the race since I knew parking would fill up quickly. It was almost full, but I managed to get a decent spot. I walked around for a while, drank some water, used the facilities, and relaxed prior to the start.
With about 30 minutes to go, I ate some Honey Stingers and headed to the start. I did some stretching and lined up a little behind the 7 minute pace sign. After the National Anthem was sung I quickly snapped pictures before we took off.

Looking ahead toward the starting line.

Facing behind me (into the sun) as we started to move foward.
Mile 1 starts and I realize that A LOT of people overestimated their pace and lined up too far ahead. OK, I know that people just don't pay attention and line up wherever they feel like it, but I feel like giving the benefit of a doubt. As I weave my way through the crowd, I get a sense that this might be a better race than yesterday. I finally get into an area with people running a similar pace and realize how nice it is not having to dodge a lot of people. I finished Mile 1 in 7:10 and snapped the following pics.

Early in Mile 1

About 1/4 mile into mile 1

Shortly after the turn in the previous pic

About halfway through the mile

Near the end of Mile 1.
At the start of Mile 2 I realize I am running at my 5K PR pace and should probably slow down a little. I see a gal up ahead in a blue shirt and decide to pace off of her. I'm working hard, but I know I will be able to keep the pace so I think I made a good choice for a pace bunny. I finish Mile 2 in 7:28 and snapped the following pics.

Start of Mile 2.

Shortly after the previous pic

About 1/4 through mile 2

About halfway through mile 2

About 3/4 through mile 2
I was happy with how the race was going. It felt like I was working hard, but not too hard. My pace bunny picked up the pace abit during Mile 3 and I decided to pick up the pace as well. I think it was during this mile that we had a water stop, which was much needed. They did have an aid station during mile 2, but I decided to wait a bit later before grabbing water. I walked for about 5-10 seconds while I drank some water. Even with the water stop, Mile 3 finished in 7:25. I snapped my final picture of the race during this mile.

Start of Mile 3
Mile 4 starts and I decide to leave the pace bunny. I was in a groove and decided to start picking up the pace. It went by uneventfully and I finished in 7:20.
I decided to pick the pace up for Mile 5. I started pacing some people running/walking the associated 5K. I could tell I was really working but was determined to stick with the pace. When I had about a half mile to go, I decided to pick up the pace. I was determined to leave everything I had on the course. This mile turned out to be my fastest mile ever (outside of a 1 mile race) and I finished it in 6:57.
I finished the remaining .02 miles at a pace of 6:16. I was SPENT. After catching my breath and getting a drink of water, I went back out to try and find my pace bunny, but was unsuccessful.
This is a great race on a beautiful course and I highly recommend it for anyone in the KC area.
If you made it to this point, thanks for reading my RR.
Great race, Eric!!! You've had an amazing racing year! Congrats on all your hard work!!!
ReplyDeleteanother great race!!! way to stick with the pace bunny for a while:) I've never tried that, need to get on board with it! Congrats and always love your pictures!