What: Cliffhanger Run 8K
When: November 7, 2010
Where: Cliff Drive, Kansas City, MO
Weather: 50F with slight breeze (perfect!)
Finish Time: 36:24 (new PR by over 5 minutes)
AG: 6/23
OA: 82/558
I wasn't quite sure what to expect with the race this morning since I ran a challenging 5 mile XC race yesterday. During the XC race, I never could get into a groove and seemed to be working harder than I should have been for the pace I was running. Even so, I still set a new 8K PR with a finishing time of 41:41. Although I considered it a bad race, I was pleased with the result.
Since I awakened during the night (Friday/Saturday) with a sore throat, I figured I might be on the verge of getting sick. Well, I woke up with a sore throat this morning as well. I took some cold medicine about 2hrs before the race and decided to see what happens.
I get to the start area about 1hr before the race since I knew parking would fill up quickly. It was almost full, but I managed to get a decent spot. I walked around for a while, drank some water, used the facilities, and relaxed prior to the start.
With about 30 minutes to go, I ate some Honey Stingers and headed to the start. I did some stretching and lined up a little behind the 7 minute pace sign. After the National Anthem was sung I quickly snapped pictures before we took off.

Looking ahead toward the starting line.

Facing behind me (into the sun) as we started to move foward.
Mile 1 starts and I realize that A LOT of people overestimated their pace and lined up too far ahead. OK, I know that people just don't pay attention and line up wherever they feel like it, but I feel like giving the benefit of a doubt. As I weave my way through the crowd, I get a sense that this might be a better race than yesterday. I finally get into an area with people running a similar pace and realize how nice it is not having to dodge a lot of people. I finished Mile 1 in 7:10 and snapped the following pics.

Early in Mile 1

About 1/4 mile into mile 1

Shortly after the turn in the previous pic

About halfway through the mile

Near the end of Mile 1.
At the start of
Mile 2 I realize I am running at my 5K PR pace and should probably slow down a little. I see a gal up ahead in a blue shirt and decide to pace off of her. I'm working hard, but I know I will be able to keep the pace so I think I made a good choice for a pace bunny. I finish Mile 2 in 7:28 and snapped the following pics.

Start of Mile 2.

Shortly after the previous pic

About 1/4 through mile 2

About halfway through mile 2

About 3/4 through mile 2
I was happy with how the race was going. It felt like I was working hard, but not too hard. My pace bunny picked up the pace abit during
Mile 3 and I decided to pick up the pace as well. I think it was during this mile that we had a water stop, which was much needed. They did have an aid station during mile 2, but I decided to wait a bit later before grabbing water. I walked for about 5-10 seconds while I drank some water. Even with the water stop, Mile 3 finished in 7:25. I snapped my final picture of the race during this mile.

Start of Mile 3
Mile 4 starts and I decide to leave the pace bunny. I was in a groove and decided to start picking up the pace. It went by uneventfully and I finished in 7:20.
I decided to pick the pace up for
Mile 5. I started pacing some people running/walking the associated 5K. I could tell I was really working but was determined to stick with the pace. When I had about a half mile to go, I decided to pick up the pace. I was determined to leave everything I had on the course. This mile turned out to be my fastest mile ever (outside of a 1 mile race) and I finished it in 6:57.
I finished the remaining .02 miles at a pace of 6:16. I was SPENT. After catching my breath and getting a drink of water, I went back out to try and find my pace bunny, but was unsuccessful.
This is a great race on a beautiful course and I highly recommend it for anyone in the KC area.
If you made it to this point, thanks for reading my RR.